

Real name is Aruna matar Stange name is Smart king ( aruna matar) tribe alur born in Westnile since in 1996 Education level primary seven I have started music in 25/03/2023, my team (SKAM) Smart king aruna matar music types dancehall.  Love music anther occupation movies Star Smart king aruna matar is a movies star and also a song written in alur languages from western ugandan so that he made music and movies Star if you need Smart king aruna matar for any promotion like Show promotion or anything you want am going to write you the number 0778344511 and whatsapp number 0766355060 this is for any promotion you want you get him and you talk about anything you need or you want the location kikuube district kyangwali parish  and nyati village near boma 

Made by promota Shafik from kikuube district kyangwali sub_cunity promota number 0777191934 you can used even in whatsapp all it's going to work all thanks you all my  fun's even Smart king aruna matar all fun thanks for all

Artist Songs

Smart King

Nyaku Mi Cwinya-Smart King

80 plays | 22 Downloads