Fresh Kid On Fire As His Manager Signs Another Young Female Artist

Posted on Jun 10, 2019
By Site admin

Francis Kamoga a.k.a Manager Francis first journey with Texas Entertainment begun as a dance group before jetting in Fresh Kid, as his first music act at the Texas.

However, ever since the 7-year-old Fresh Kid broke through into the limelight, too many controversies and bickering have been going on surrounding his management.  And now, the latest we have is that Manager Francis is beginning to feel uncomfortable and he has now brought in another young star likely as a replacement of Fresh Kid. 

The youngster is called Remah, a female rapper and a pupil at Broadway Primary School, Nyendo. She was signed last week on Friday but has not yet to been unveiled officially to the public.

Francis remains mute on whether this is a move to officially clear off Fresh Kid from his list but he says, that he is left with no choice if the rapper’s parents fail to iron out their differences.

We shall follow this story for you.....



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