Lions Club Donates 55 Million Shillings To Pakwach Girl’s Primary School

Posted on Mar 28, 2019
By Brian Skillz

Lions Club has rescued Pakwach Girl’s primary school with Shs 55 million to renovate the classroom block that was destroyed by a storm last year.

While receiving the money, the head teacher of Pakwach Girl’s primary school Rev. Sr. Nataline Kareo, says, since the classroom block was destroyed, pupils were studying under the trees and church hall as an alternative.

Kareo adds that since the incident happened last year, the enrollment dropped in P3, P4 and P5 classes from 100 children to 50 per class.

The district governor Lion club 411B Uganda, Robert Munanura, said the renovation team should complete the work within the period of 30 days to ensure children return in their respective classes before the start of the rainy season.

Officials from Lions Club International handing over the dummy cheque. Photo by Okaba Patrick

Munanura calls for close monitoring on the money meant for renovating the school since the children were being attended under the trees and parish halls.

“The money given should not bring divisions among the school managing committees but must be put into correct use to benefit the affected children of Pakwach Girl’s primary school.”

The Resident District Commissioner, Swaib Toko, said: “If Lions club was not there, the children were going to continue suffering because the district has nothing like emergency funds to address disasters.”He said that the district must have it's emergency funds ready such that the disaster can be addressed without calling for helps from the prime minister’s office.

He said that the district must have it's emergency funds ready such that the disaster can be addressed without calling for helps from the prime minister’s office.

The school management committee chairman of Pakwach Girl’s primary school, Stephen Anecho, says the incident made most of the parents to transfer their children out of the school since the school lacked enough classroom block to accommodate the children.

“We have lost our children to other neighbouring schools since the school cannot accommodate large numbers of children after the destruction made by the heavy storm. This donation will make us revive the school,” Anecho said.

Story compiled by Gaucho of 100.2 Pakwach Fm


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