Dr Abed Bwanika Claims Leadership Of People Power Pressure Group

Posted on Mar 05, 2019
By Brian Skillz

Dr Abed Bwanika shocked the viewers of  Nbs Tv this while appearing on one of the morning show, when asked about the leadership and which people are behind the People Power pressure group.

Here is what Dr Abed answered:

Dr. Abed Bwanika: No sane politician will support anyone to practice violence because of any disagreement. Hon. Namboze and the Lord Mayor were attacked some years back around Kiwangala. There was no people power then, so you can not claim that this (attack on Besigye) is what characterizes people power. Dr. Abed Bwanika: People power has leadership that is why my name is put wherever there is people power. Njala: What is your role in people power?

Abed Bwanika: I am one of the leaders in people power. I am a strategist. #NBSUpdates #NBSMorningBreeze


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