Music lovers won't let Sheebah and her manager- Jeff Kiwa be as many have always pinned the two to secretely eating Sumbies behind closed doors. But Sheebah had to put the critics to rest as she sent this love note to her Mr Manager while their were enjoying themselves in Dubai Desert.
Here is the Love from Sheebah To Jeff
Sheebahricherthisyear- Working With You Is Such A Privilege!. You Helped Me Earn The Respect I Have Today In This Very Disrespectful Industry.
I Have Learnt So Much From You.
ITS NOT BEEN AN EASY JOURNEY FOR ME Cause Dude, Dealing With You Is Another Challenge😫😫..BUT ITS ALL WORTH IT😂. You Helped Me Realise My Potential & Strength All Through My Career.
Thank You For Taking A Keen Interest In My Personal Developments Too.
Thank You For Everything
Jeff @bornsolucky🙌🙌👏👏👏
I Appreciate Your Patience & All Your Efforts!!
You Are The BEST Manager Ever!!
Again, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! May GOD Bless You For Me🙏