OGS Employee Lost Her Job Over a Beauty Contest.

Posted on May 15, 2024
By Maas Manus

Faridah Ratio Madwongkwo, a participant in the recently concluded Queen of West Nile competition, lost her job over the beauty contest of Queen of West Nile.


Ms. Faridah was employed at Oyoma General Stores (OGS), a company specializing in "Kumbucha Wines" production, located in Parombo Town Council, Nebbi District.


A source close to Faridah disclosed that she requested a one-week leave from the company, but received a notification on Friday, 10th May 2024, a day before the crowning Night, informing her of the termination. The source, who requested anonymity, noted a visible decline in Faridah's demeanor following the call.


The situation unfolded during the unveiling Night event of the Queen of West Nile held at RUYO Guest House in Adjumani District.


Faridah was initially demoted from her role as Sales Personnel to a factory supervisor with a salary deductions as well.


Expressing her distress, the contestant number seven stated her intention to seek opportunities in Kampala, Capital City of Uganda due to her current predicament.


Anena Try, one of the managing directors at OGS, advised Faridah to address the matter directly with their (OGS) Human Resources department.


Jetty Dolar, a radio presenter of Aulopgo Fm in Adjumani, also the primary trainer of the contestants, expressed intentions to engage in dialogue with the organizing team at Global Village Resort, Pakwach, to resolve the issue.


The crowned Queen of West Nile, Alobo Patricia, condemned the acts, ephasizing on the justices for the "morther of two." This is unjust, you can not contaminate a contract of a young girl who got a permision to go for a leave, remember she has not won anything, she must be stressed." Patricia says.


Patricia claimed the crown, with Awezi Gloria from Maracha District as the first runner-up, and Piramit Shamim from Pakwach District as the third runner-up, while Faridah Ratio Madwongkwo faced the loss of both her employment and the crown.


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