Security agencies have summoned The chairman of the Famous "Zombo Road Matters" demonstration that aims at having a peaceful road protest agitating for tarmacking & improving the state of road network in Zombo District that has since gone into a sorry state affecting economic activities in Zombo & Greater Nebbi District.
Mr Sam Rwothomio and his team mobilising for the demonstration termed Zombo Road Matters have been summoned for an urgent meeting tomorrow at 10:00Hrs (10am) at District office.
West Nile Xpozed Media Ltd is meant to know that, Mr Sam Rwothomio is currently in Eastern Uganda pursing his studies in a withheld Academic facility.
It is understood that, Mr Sam who has expressed his joy with the DPC-Zombo for initiating the meeting will send in his team in full since he's out of the region.
We await to hear the outcomes of the meeting & will update accordingly.