Just as being unhappy is the current case with majority of the world's population, Westnile Local Artist Philbert Droti alias Dr Philbertos could be the unhappiest at the moment not because of him not performing tho.
Reliable info reaching us has it that, Dr Philbertos is currently in consultations with his Lawyer on how to sue the Organisers of (30th June 2020) Tomorrow's Scientific Arua City Launch which is scheduled from 9:00pm to 12:00am after it was Approved by the Parliament of Uganda.
While talking to www.westnilexpozed.com today, Dr Philbertos said, "For long Products of Local Artists have been used by Politicians during campaigns, Corporate Companies in Promotions & Leaders in such related events without consulting the owners as in this case, His Kampala Bye-Arua City Song was used to advertise tomorrow's Launch in media houses without his permission or compensations.
" I was told by some friends that my song is being used for advertising Arua City Launch so I this morning targeted the time one of the Radios Sponsoring the event plays it's Commercial Adverts between 8:30am to 9:00am & Recorded the Segment as evidence. I want the Organisers to pay me & start Appreciating us like it's the case in our neighborhood as These are planned for & budgeted events. " Philbertos Said
The Scientific Event which will be held under the Theme; "Work Towards Common Goal of Achieving Smart & Sustainable City Development" will be laid live on different online platforms.
We at Westnilexpozed.com will as always follow this story to the last bit