Elton Lover Boy's Lock Down Performace Plan Causes Uproar Among Men

Posted on May 28, 2020
By Brian Skillz

Corona has come handy with technology embracement for the artistes, as many has taken their art online to reach and keep in touch with their fans.

As others are doing online performances on the different social media platforms, West Nile artiste of Year, Elton Lover Boy is taking his to another level.

Elton has announced, he will be reaching out to Five of his die hard fans through phones to sing for them beginning today 28th May till the end of lock down.

The humble One More Night hit maker artiste says, he will dedicate his time from 2pm to sing to his fans their favourite lockdown songs.

''Kings and queens ,I am so happy to announce to you that our first session of @yourLOCKDOWNfavourite song starts today.
I have gone through your requests and I will be responding to them at 2 pm. Incase you are not called today ,we shall reach you in the next sessions.
Stay on

However,this new move has brought panic among men who sees it as a way of Elton trying use the fan phone calls to take over their ladies.

One of the men was heard asking; But why can't just use his online page to perform to his fans, why does he need to call our ladies to sing for them? I will tell my girl to switch off her phone from 2pm till he finishes singing..i dont want him to take over my woman..... the fan cried.


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