I've boycotted Clubbing Because Most Arua DJ's feel They are too big to Play Westnile Music - Van Smokey

Posted on Mar 08, 2020
By Derrick Passy

As the call to support indigenous talents especially Music seems to be a strategy now, Anguyo Ivan aka Vansmokey has sent his message on what he feels is a threat & should be dealt with urgently.


In his message to us, Vansmokey a legendary Artist who started his talent while in Kampala before moving home in Arua said, Most DJ's Play home music after 3am when the club is almost empty & they play for 20 secs then play others for than 2mins.


In some cases, You give them audio they request for video when u deliver they don't play infact u have to beg for a Dj to play your song Because they feel so big & special for nothing. "Some of us go to the club to promote our music n mix up with fans, Other Artists, MCs, DJs etc. How do we get together when our music are not being played" Van Asked.



He also added that, By the time he used to live in K'la, His Videos were being Played in Clubs, TV Stations besides being hosted. Van Smokey suggests that, DJs around need to pay visit to Central & see what those DJs do to their Central Artists. "They even give mics to artists when in Club to sample or say Hi to others, Something that should be brought on Ground" He added.


In his Summary, he concluded that, Through out his life he has Never Witnessed Westnile Music being Played by Local DJs for over 20mins in clubs yet these DJs play music in Home-based Clubs & they are westnilers too. It's Sad.

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