Northern Uganda Music Awards 2019 Turns Off Okeng Born Town

Posted on Jan 02, 2020
By Prosper

Northern Uganda was held last night at Pece Stadium for another classic event to close the year.


The prestigious Northern Uganda Music Awards was held for the 13th Year in a row.


This annual award looks at awarding Northern Ugandan music artistes majorly living within Gulu and Lira. The artistes battle themselves in front of their fans and the winners walk away with accolades.



Many music lovers, however, are questioning the criteria used this year to award the hardworking artistes saying the likes of Okeng Born Town, an artiste from Lira should not have missed the cake.


Okeng however has come out to cool down the angry fans by saying, he is happy for the winners.


Further encouraging the young artistes that won the awards to keep focus and follow their wheels of good music to uplift the region.



The Langi based Okeng made the statement while on his music tours in the Bunyoro sub-region where he has been holding back to back music shows ever since December 2019 update.




He is regarding the best artiste from Lango subregion.

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