22year Old Grenade Official Gets AK47's Widow Nalongo Maggie Pregnant

Posted on Oct 22, 2019
By Site admin

The latest info coming through reveals that Ugandan singer Grenade Official and Nalongo Maggie Kaweesi are expected a baby soon.


Naklongo Maggie was a wife to the late singer AK47.


The former Team No Sleep singer Grenade Official is allegedly expected to have ballooned the late AK47 widow and that she is in the early stages of her pregnancy and she’s determined to keep the baby as the two are currently madly in love.



Maggie and Grenade have been secretly dating for slightly over two months. Their love life came into the public eye a few days ago when Grenade Official picked Maggie from Entebbe airport.



However, the pregnancy is not yet officially confirmed by Grenade.

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